Why Rust is gaining popularity

Rust is gaining popularity due to its unique combination of performance, safety, and developer-friendly features. It’s a systems programming language designed to offer memory safety without the overhead of garbage collection, making it especially appealing for performance-critical applications like operating systems, web browsers, and embedded systems.

Rust history

Rust was originally developed by Graydon Hoare at Mozilla Research in 2006 as a personal project. The goal was to create a language that offered the performance of C/C++ but with greater safety, particularly in terms of memory management.

Key milestones:

  1. 2006: Graydon Hoare begins the development of Rust as a personal project, motivated by the desire to create a language that could prevent memory-related bugs without compromising performance.
  2. 2009: Mozilla becomes involved in the project, providing resources and support to develop Rust further, particularly for their experimental browser engine, Servo, which was designed to explore high-performance, safe, and concurrent web browsing.
  3. 2010: Rust is made open-source, and a broader community of developers begins contributing to the language.
  4. 2015Rust 1.0 is officially released. This marks the language’s first stable release, signifying that the language was ready for production use with long-term stability guarantees. Rust 1.0 brought key features like ownership, borrowing, and lifetimes, which formed the foundation of the language’s memory safety model.
  5. 2016: Rust wins the “Most Loved Programming Language” in Stack Overflow’s annual developer survey, a title it would hold for several years. This highlights Rust’s growing popularity, especially among developers who valued its safety features and performance.
  6. 2020: Mozilla lays off many of its Rust team members due to restructuring, but the Rust project continues to thrive independently. The Rust Foundation is established in early 2021 to steward the language, with backing from major tech companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google.
  7. 2021-Present: Rust continues to gain adoption across industries, particularly in systems programming, embedded systems, and web development (thanks to WebAssembly). It is used by companies like DropboxAmazon, and Microsoft for high-performance, reliable applications.

Key Benefits of Rust

  1. Memory Safety Without Garbage Collection:
    • Rust uses a unique ownership model with a strict borrowing and reference system, ensuring memory safety at compile-time without relying on garbage collection.
    • This prevents common memory-related bugs like null pointer dereferencing, data races, and buffer overflows.
  2. High Performance:
    • Like C and C++, Rust is a systems programming language designed for high performance, capable of running close to bare-metal speed.
    • Rust’s zero-cost abstractions enable developers to write high-level code without sacrificing performance.
  3. Concurrency:
    • Rust’s ownership model makes concurrent programming safer and easier by preventing data races at compile-time.
    • Developers can write multithreaded applications more confidently, avoiding issues common in other languages where concurrency is manually handled.
  4. Strong Type System:
    • Rust’s type system ensures that errors are caught early at compile-time, making it highly predictable.
    • This minimizes runtime crashes and improves overall code reliability.
  5. Tooling and Ecosystem:
    • Rust has an excellent package manager and build system called Cargo, which simplifies dependency management and project configuration.
    • The ecosystem is rapidly growing, with libraries and tools expanding Rust’s utility in areas like web development (via Rocket or Actix), networking, and command-line utilities.
  6. Community and Documentation:
    • Rust has a welcoming, strong community with a focus on maintaining high-quality documentation and improving developer ergonomics.
    • The language emphasizes clarity and explicitness in code, making it easier for developers to understand and maintain projects.
  7. Memory Efficiency:
    • Without the need for garbage collection, Rust programs can run with lower memory usage compared to languages like Java or Python, especially in resource-constrained environments like embedded systems.

Comparison with Other Popular Languages

Rust vs. C++

  • Memory Safety: Rust’s biggest advantage over C++ is that it enforces memory safety at compile-time, preventing issues like use-after-free and null pointer dereferencing, which are common in C++.
  • Ownership System: Rust’s ownership and borrowing system reduces bugs in concurrent and memory-sensitive applications, something that C++ relies on manual memory management to handle.
  • Performance: Both languages offer similar performance levels, but Rust provides a more modern and safer approach to memory management.
  • Learning Curve: Rust’s strict safety guarantees come with a learning curve, which may be more challenging for developers coming from C++, where more flexibility (but also more danger) is offered.

Rust vs. Java

  • Memory Management: Java relies on garbage collection for memory management, which can introduce performance overhead and unpredictability in real-time systems. Rust, on the other hand, avoids garbage collection entirely by using its ownership model.
  • Performance: Rust generally outperforms Java in terms of execution speed, particularly in systems programming or resource-constrained environments. Java excels in areas with robust libraries and managed environments, but Rust is preferred for fine-grained control over hardware.
  • Safety: While both Java and Rust are designed to avoid common programming errors, Rust offers stronger compile-time guarantees around memory safety and concurrency compared to Java’s runtime exceptions.
  • Ecosystem: Java has a massive, mature ecosystem, especially in enterprise environments. Rust’s ecosystem is still growing but is quickly expanding, especially in systems programming and performance-critical areas.

Rust vs. Python

  • Performance: Rust is significantly faster than Python. Python is an interpreted language, making it easier to write but slower at execution, especially in performance-critical tasks. Rust, being compiled, executes close to the metal and is more suitable for high-performance applications.
  • Memory Safety: Python abstracts away memory management through automatic garbage collection, while Rust gives developers fine-grained control over memory with its ownership system.
  • Use Cases: Python is preferred for rapid development, data science, and machine learning due to its ease of use, large libraries, and high productivity in writing quick solutions. Rust, in contrast, is used where performance, memory safety, and concurrency are critical.
  • Concurrency: Python’s Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) limits multi-threading in CPU-bound programs, whereas Rust’s concurrency model allows for safe, efficient multi-threaded programming without data races.

Rust vs. C#

  • Memory Management: Like Java, C# uses garbage collection, which can affect performance in certain scenarios. Rust’s compile-time memory safety guarantees avoid this overhead entirely.
  • Performance: Rust’s execution speed is generally faster because it doesn’t have a managed runtime or garbage collector. C# is optimized for the .NET ecosystem and offers good performance but is less suitable for low-level, high-performance use cases.
  • Ecosystem: C# is widely used in enterprise software, particularly within Microsoft’s .NET ecosystem. It has robust tooling and libraries, while Rust’s ecosystem is smaller but growing, especially in systems-level programming and emerging areas like WebAssembly.
  • Safety: Rust emphasizes memory safety without a garbage collector, while C# relies on runtime exceptions and garbage collection to manage memory.

Why Rust Is Gaining Popularity

  • Performance and Safety: Rust is praised for offering high performance similar to C/C++ but with memory safety guarantees that eliminate many common bugs at compile time.
  • Modern Developer Experience: Rust is designed with modern development in mind, offering better tooling, clear documentation, and a focus on user-friendly error messages.
  • Concurrency: Rust’s ownership system prevents data races and other concurrency issues, making it an ideal choice for modern multi-threaded applications.
  • Adoption by Large Companies: Companies like Mozilla (who originally developed Rust), AmazonDropbox, and Microsoft have adopted Rust for performance-critical projects like web browsers, cloud infrastructure, and large-scale systems.
  • WebAssembly Support: Rust’s compatibility with WebAssembly has boosted its popularity for web applications, enabling near-native performance in the browser.

Notable use cases

1. Linux Kernel Development

The Linux kernel is traditionally written in C, which has a history of memory safety issues like buffer overflows and use-after-free bugs. To enhance the security and reliability of the kernel, Rust is being introduced as a secondary language for parts of the kernel development.

  • Why Rust?: Rust’s memory safety guarantees at compile time prevent many classes of vulnerabilities that C programs are prone to. By integrating Rust, the Linux kernel can reduce the risk of memory-related bugs while maintaining high performance.
  • Impact: This is a landmark case where Rust is being trusted to improve the security of the world’s most widely used operating system kernel.

Links for additional reading:

2. Windows Kernel Rewrite

Microsoft has been exploring Rust as a safer alternative for system-level components of the Windows operating system, traditionally written in C and C++. The company is particularly focused on using Rust to rewrite critical system components and drivers, where security vulnerabilities often emerge.

  • Why Rust?: Rust’s strong type safety and memory management features help reduce system crashes and security vulnerabilities. Microsoft has already found that using Rust can help mitigate entire classes of bugs that lead to security exploits, such as buffer overflows and null pointer dereferencing.
  • Impact: By rewriting critical Windows components in Rust, Microsoft aims to increase system stability and reduce the need for frequent security patches.

Links for additional reading:

3. Cloud and Server Infrastructure

AWS (Amazon Web Services), one of the largest cloud infrastructure providers in the world, has been adopting Rust to build parts of its internal systems, including low-latency, high-performance services like Firecracker, a microVM for running serverless applications.

  • Why Rust?: In cloud computing, performance and efficiency are critical for scalability. Rust allows AWS to build systems that are both fast and memory-efficient, without introducing common bugs like memory leaks and race conditions. Firecracker, for instance, powers AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate serverless containers with minimal resource overhead.
  • Impact: AWS’s use of Rust highlights its suitability for cloud-native, highly scalable systems that need to maximize efficiency while ensuring safety and reliability.

Links for additional reading:


In summary, Rust’s rise is driven by its ability to offer both the speed and control of low-level languages like C++ while providing modern safety features and excellent tooling, making it highly attractive for developers building performant, safe, and scalable systems.